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Terça-feira, 24/9/2002
American women kick ass
Julio Daio Borges


Se John Lennon levantasse da tumba e lesse isso, provavelmente não cantaria mais Woman Is The Nigger Of The World; não nos Estados Unidos:

"The greatest social change in the history of humanity happened in the United States over the past 50 years. Women broke their ancient chains and became men's partners instead of remaining men's property. This shift in the status of women is the decisive strategic factor of our time.

"Women's self-emancipation is a primary source of America's present power, wealth and social energy. It is also the fundamental reason why religious fanatics around the world hate us.

"If there is any single indicator of which societies will succeed or fail in the coming decades, it is the status of women. Societies where the girls get a fair shot at beating the boys at soccer, university studies or software writing are going to leave those whose sexual terrors are expressed in veils and an obsession with virginity in the dust.

"American women kick ass. And that's the best news since humanity mastered fire, the wheel and the process of fermentation."


Julio Daio Borges
24/9/2002 à 00h12


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