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Sexta-feira, 23/2/2007
Media Vs. Media Institutions
Julio Daio Borges

First, let's agree that "media" is anything that people want to read, watch or listen to, amateur or professional.

The difference between the "old" media and the "new" is that old media packages content and new media atomizes it.

Old media is all about building businesses around content. New media is about the content, period. Old media is about platforms. New media is about individual people.

(Note: "old" does not mean bad and "new" good - I do, after all, run a very nicely growing magazine/old media business.)(...)

In short, We Media is alive and well. It's just the would-be We Media institutions that are not. A phenomenon is not necessarily a business. That doesn't make it any less of a phenomenon.

Chris Anderson defendento o We the Media (porque a discussão vai ficando cada vez mais complicada...).

Julio Daio Borges
23/2/2007 à 00h08


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