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Terça-feira, 1/10/2002
Newsletters Must be Simple
Julio Daio Borges

Descoberto um manual para quem quer enviar newsletters pela internet afora. Os conselhos são óbvios, mas infelizmente não são seguidos pela maioria dos sites (ou indivíduos) que se metem a postar na Grande Rede. O estudo empreendido (que resultou no manual) é relativamente longo e não vale à pena lê-lo na íntegra (a seguir, alguns trechos):

"People get a lot of email. They don't have time to read a lot of text. Newsletters must be designed to facilitate scanning. In our study, only 23% of the newsletters were read thoroughly. The remaining newsletters were skimmed, read partly, or not even opened -- a fate that befell 27% of the newsletters.

"In subjective comments, users basically said that newsletters are bad if they take too much time or demand too much work of the user. Newsletters are good if they cut down the time it takes users to accomplish something or if they are quick reads that do not feel frivolous.

"Users will often avoid signing up for newsletters because they feel crushed by information overload. It is the job of the newsletter publisher to convince users that the newsletter will be simple, useful, and easy to deal with."

Julio Daio Borges
1/10/2002 às 17h45


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