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Sábado, 26/4/2008
End User: We read the manuals
Julio Daio Borges

[...]End User is our place to discuss all things electronic. We'll continue to focus mainly on gadgets --that is, portable electronics you can hold in your hand such as iPods, GPS, cell phones, etc.-- but we're also branching out to cover new things like home audio, computers and software, and more. Basically anything with a current in it is fair game. We'll talk about the latest news, provide reviews and how-tos (from Easiest Hacks Ever to more in-depth tutorials), and try to introduce you to some of the faces behind the screens of your favorite gadgets.[...]

Direto do End User, o novo blog da Amazon (via Michael Arrington...).

Julio Daio Borges
26/4/2008 às 14h59


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