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Sexta-feira, 16/8/2002
The City of K.
Julio Daio Borges

fonte: The New York Times

A Praga de Kafka acaba de ganhar uma exposição no Museu Judeu, conta o New York Times:

"Prague the old crone, Prague the container of burned-out dreams and passions, Prague the circle that confines, Prague the most beautiful set; Prague, in the phrase of Ernst Pawel, one of Kafka's best biographers, 'his life's stage.' The intricate relationship between the real and the imagined city, the city that formed Kafka and the city that everywhere informed his fictions (even if it was seldom specifically named in them): this is a rich subject for an exploration of almost any conceivable genre, be it written, filmed, staged or exhibited.

"Exhibited it is. Yet 'The City of K.: Franz Kafka and Prague,' at the Jewish Museum, is no ordinary show of a writer's memorabilia. While the usual materials are all in evidence - manuscripts and ephemera (here, however, mostly all facsimile), photographs and early editions - they have been arranged into what Juan Insua, its curator, calls '12 Kafkaesque environments.'"

Julio Daio Borges
16/8/2002 às 11h44


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