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Quinta-feira, 12/3/2009
A morte e a morte dos jornais
Julio Daio Borges

"Just in case no-one told you, printed newspapers are dead. We know it, they know it; we're just pretending they're doing fine to be polite." (@jearle)

"...the newspaper business has been on a slow, unstoppable train ride to hell for many decades and that the Web has only accelerated its descent." (Jack Schafer, Slate)

"The MSM [Mainstream Media] is officially dead, and it's time to bury it, although no honor guard or a 21 gun salute will be necessary at this funeral." (Python)

"Are newspapers dead, dead, dead? You bet." (Sam Churchill, dailywireless.org)

"Journalism is dead. Long live the blogosphere." (Rip Ragged)

"Newspapers are 'dying' of natural causes. Putting them on life-support just draws out the inevitable. Pull the plug and move on." (@DaveTitle)

"If newspapers are dying, how come mine's got so many f&*%ing pages?" (@margaretriver)

"Good journalism isn't dead, it's just terribly ill." (Nick Davies)

"Journalism is dead and newspapers killed it." (@Jessebgill)

"Traditional journalism is a dead man walking." (Brian Solis)

Vários, em journalism is dead, para quem ainda não acredita...

Julio Daio Borges
12/3/2009 à 00h53


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