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Sexta-feira, 18/3/2005
Rhyme and reason
Julio Daio Borges

At that magic moment [the 1960s], professors specialising in poetry criticism had stratospheric reputations at the major universities. But over the following decades, poetry and poetry study were steadily marginalised by pretentious "theory" - which claims to analyse language but atrociously abuses it. Poststructuralism and crusading identity politics led to the gradual sinking in reputation of the premiere literature departments, so that by the turn of the millennium they were no longer seen, even by the undergraduates themselves, to be where the excitement was on campus. One result of this triumph of ideology over art is that, on the basis of their publications, few literature professors know how to "read" any more - and thus can scarcely be trusted to teach that skill to their students.

Camille Paglia, "a veteran of the vibrant 1960s poetry scene", no Telegraph.

Julio Daio Borges
18/3/2005 às 09h50


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