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Quinta-feira, 31/3/2005
Project for Excellence
Julio Daio Borges

Look into cyberspace and the picture for journalism seems fractured. There is real hope in the numbers of people who seek news online, particularly the young, a group that shows scant interest in traditional media. The capability of people to get what they want when they want it, and to manipulate it, edit it and seek more depth, could bring a needed revival to journalism. The economic numbers are also growing - and dramatically - each year. Yet look at the content offered in online journalism in 2004 and there are signs of frustration, lack of innovation and the caution of the old media applied to the new.

Thecho do The State of the News Media 2005, com um capítulo especial só sobre jornalismo on-line.

Julio Daio Borges
31/3/2005 às 09h07


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