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Terça-feira, 5/4/2005
Money Can't Buy You Love
Eduardo Carvalho

"You can't buy love. It's very irritating," joked Warren Buffett, CEO and chairman of Berkshire Hathaway during a stop at the College of Management. "It's so much easier to just write out a check. 'I'd like a million dollars worth of love.' You can get a million dollars worth of sex but .

"The hell of it is you're only going to be loved if you're lovable. If you are, you get it back in spades," he said. "The truth is you always get back more than you give away. Some people never learn that. They're busy cheating people, cutting corners, lying to them, all kinds of things and they think they're a success because they have tens of millions of dollars later in life. I don't think they are a success and I don't think deep down they feel like they are a success."

Do segundo cara mais rico do mundo, aqui.

Eduardo Carvalho
5/4/2005 às 19h13


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