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Terça-feira, 13/8/2002
Culture to Digest
Julio Daio Borges

"Much of this article is blah, but the last two sentences are worth" [grifo nosso] - assim blogou Adrian Holovaty, sobre "The media titans still don't get it" [grifo deles], publicado na Salon.com:

"The Internet itself hasn't gone away. Hundreds of millions of people around the world continue to bend it to their own ends, in chaotic, unstable and unpredictable ways. As a generator of instant wealth, the Net may now be a big bust; as a generator of instant ideas, it keeps thrumming along.

"This is a difficult fact for our media culture to digest. The media cover technology on a predictable cycle -- a rhythm of hype and scorn that you can follow like clockwork each time a new wave of innovation sweeps the high-tech landscape. For nearly a decade, the Internet story has followed this arc; by all rights, it should be over by now."

Julio Daio Borges
13/8/2002 às 18h50


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