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Segunda-feira, 31/10/2005
The back of my hands
Julio Daio Borges

When I look down
and see the back of my hands
lying in my lap
poised over a keyboard
or water-drenched in the sink
I know I am aging
and it frightens me.
I am not ready to age.
I do not want to die
and my hands remind me
of mortality.

My hands remind me.
I can avoid mirrors,
hide from my face
but my hands are a daily address.
Maybe I could start a new fad -
gloves for older women
who wish to deny their history
or run from their wisdom.

Hold up your hands
if you are willing to share
your grace or your pain.
If I spot you in the
glove department at Eaton's
I'll know you are as vulnerable
as I am.
Some days we'll all wear gloves
to protest,
other days we'll all go bare-handed
to show our courage.

Mary Woodbury, no Suplemento Literário de Minas Gerais, hoje o melhor junto com o Rascunho.

Julio Daio Borges
31/10/2005 às 16h43


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