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Quinta-feira, 24/11/2005
Start Being Remarkable
Julio Daio Borges

Today, a quick look at Google indicates that we're grappling with an eight-billion-channel world. The distinction between marketing and sales has evaporated in the face of direct-marketing technologies that brand products, take orders, and fulfill them at the same time.

(...) Even worse, there is no more public taste. There are only publics' tastes, which are ever more atomized, specific, and hard to fathom.

David Ogilvy's contention that "it takes a big idea to attract the attention of consumers and get them to buy your product" no longer applies. His fellow advertising guru Bill Bernbach's belief that, in marketing, "not to be different is virtually suicidal" today itself may be suicidal in and of itself.

Trecho de um capítulo, em PDF, de The Big Moo, o novo livro de Seth Godin (porque o marketing, na internet, deixou de ser aquela coisa estúpida que ainda se vê na televisão...)

Julio Daio Borges
24/11/2005 às 12h17


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