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Quinta-feira, 26/1/2006
Editorial control
Julio Daio Borges

[What is digg?] Digg is a technology news website that combines social bookmarking, blogging, RSS, and non-hierarchical editorial control. With digg, users submit stories for review, but rather than allow an editor to decide which stories go on the homepage, the users do.

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[What is reddit?] A source for what's new and popular on the web - personalized for you. We want to democratize the traditional model by giving editorial control to the people who use the site, not those who run it. Your votes train a filter, so let reddit know what you liked and disliked, because you'll begin to be recommended links filtered to your tastes. All of the content on reddit is from users who are rewarded for good submissions (and punished for bad ones) by their peers; you decide what appears on your front page and which submissions rise to fame or fall into obscurity.

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Dois sites que - já no editorial - matam o editor (porque... se o editor não escreve o editorial, quem escreve então?)

Julio Daio Borges
26/1/2006 às 13h48


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