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Quinta-feira, 9/3/2006
Advice for new managers
Julio Daio Borges

The central mistake new managers make is egoism. On the surface, the change is all about you: you've been promoted, you have a new job title, you have a new office. Perhaps you've been waiting for this change for some time, while watching peers or friends get promotions, and now finally you feel you've received the respect you've earned. Congratulations! But be warned: how or why you became a manager has little to do with doing the job well. The sooner you recognize how different success as a manager is from success as worker, the better off you'll be. Good managers are rare (how many have you had?): so if you're new to the game, and would like to be a good one, this essay is for you.

Scott Berkun, na primeira parte de seu ensaio sobre como gerênciar "recursos humanos"...

Julio Daio Borges
9/3/2006 às 14h42


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