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Quarta-feira, 24/5/2006
From push to pull
Julio Daio Borges

Over the past decade, the mass media have been transformed by the digitization of content (text, voice, and video) and by new ways for customers to access, assemble, and distribute it through the Internet. Rather than waiting for media companies to push out their content, for instance, their customers increasingly pull it in at will. New media distribution businesses are breaking down the traditional channels' shelf space constraints, radically expanding the range of content available, and providing robust tools to help users search for it.(...)

On the production side, a vibrant "remix" culture has emerged thanks to the availability of widely affordable digital audio-editing tools, which make it possible for DJs in nightclubs and other music fans to pull in tracks from a variety of music sources and to recombine them. "Blogging" tools help users "publish" their own writings, music, or photographs, most often by pulling in content from a broad range of sources and creatively mixing and commenting on it.(...)

The McKinsey Quarterly, porque as empresas já estão percebendo que a internet está mudando tudo (as empresas de mídia, claro, nem sempre...).

Julio Daio Borges
24/5/2006 às 18h35


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