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Quinta-feira, 11/8/2005
Unleash Your Ideavirus
Julio Daio Borges

The first 100 years of our country's history were about who could build the biggest, most efficient farms. The second 100 years were about the race to build efficient factories. Welcome to the third century: This one's about ideas.

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In the new economy, consumers have built up antibodies that resist traditional marketing. That's why we need to stop marketing at people, and start creating an environment where consumers can market to one another.

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Think of an ideavirus as a big idea that runs amok across a target population. It's the fashionable idea of the moment that propagates through a section of the population, teaching and changing everyone it touches. Heard of Hotmail? Ever used it? If so, it's not because Hotmail ran a lot of TV ads (it didn't). It's because the ideavirus got to you. Someone you know infected you with it.

Seth Godin, num artigo já clássico (que confirmou algumas das minhas idéias), com uma - não tão boa - segunda parte.

Julio Daio Borges
11/8/2005 às 13h40


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