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Sexta-feira, 4/10/2002
Must-have Web sites
+ de 3400 Acessos


Pesquisa recente aponta os sites considerados imprescindíveis pelos jornalistas norte-americanos. Campeão de audiência absoluto: Google. A lista, comentada pelos participantes, segue abaixo: - "Best search on the Internet period. Makes you wonder why sites like AltaVista and excite are still in business." - "Used books. Rare out-of-print books are found here. If you go into a used book store to find a book and the clerk goes to the computer to see if it's in stock - he's looking here. This is especially for the retired journalist who missed out on the great books that he/she didn't have time to read during their working life or were never referred to in school." - "Their breaking news is ahead of ours--more interesting more thoughtful writing generally speaking than what is available here." "The BBC site has the most international news site available. If you only read American publications look at American television and access American sites you will miss what's important in the rest of the world. We're not alone and we shouldn't act like it." - "CNN is everywhere and instantaneous though not always accurate with breaking news. It serves as a great index to developing stories that I can learn more about from The New York Times or online newspapers near where the event is occurring." - "I read - and then forward - more marketing- and promotion-related articles and charts from this site than any other. Even more useful because it provides much of its information in e-newsletters I can scan over coffee in the morning." - "Reminds me that the Internet really does change everything - in this case usurping traditional entertainment media company control of film and animation distribution. Lots of funny stuff here creative experimental entertaining." - "A most addictive game that teaches you a lot about investing. Been visiting it once a day for over two years now." - "Other media Web sites might break national and international news quicker but the New York Times to me offers the most complete and insightful coverage. I also like its stock market status graphic in the upper right corner when Wall Street is in session. The juxtaposition of that near headlines that can affect daily trading makes for interesting McLuhan-esque daily lessons on the effect public and institutional perceptions of reality have on the witchcraft known as economics." - "A great alternative and alternate look at US and global events. Consistently high standards editorially and visually. A delight to read all year round."

Dan Gillmor's e-journal - "Dan Gillmor is a technology journalist I respect highly. I read him to know what issues are important in technology - and I typically agree with his opinions. He's a thought leader in technology and I feel it's important to know what he's thinking." - "It's more than a site. It's a service (also an application). It translates radio for the digital age - makes broadcast obsolete in an office. Pure music numerous genre's a handful of commercials no DJ banter. Perfect music radio. And by the way no news and it isn't missed. That's provided elsewhere." - "I'm a designer by trade but Jakob Nielsen's site forces me to think before adding that widget just to do something different. I find I don't have to agree with everything he says to find his methods and commentary incredibly useful. Again a newsletter helps ensure I'm back on at least every week or so." - "Still the best human-edited directory out there."

Postado por Julio Daio Borges
Em 4/10/2002 às 17h12

Quem leu este, também leu esse(s):
01. Led Zeppelin 1970 de Julio Daio Borges
02. Agora a morte das revistas de Julio Daio Borges
03. Sobre o futuro (?) do jornais de Julio Daio Borges
04. Flip 2008 ― I de Fabio Silvestre Cardoso
05. Vida de Estagiário I de Julio Daio Borges

Mais Julio Daio Borges no Blog
* esta seção é livre, não refletindo necessariamente a opinião do site

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